All About Lip Filler

Dreaming about having fuller, plump lips? If you have thin lips and want to fill them out or if you have full lips and want them to be more plump or even, lip filler will not disappoint.

What are lip fillers?

Lip filler is a dermal filler injected into your lips to add volume. There are several different brand, but they all consist of a synthetic copy of a natural substance found in your body called hyaluronic acid. The procedure for lip fillers is safe, nonsurgical, and very common.

How long do lip fillers last?

Lip fillers are not permanent. They last for 6-18 months, depending on your age and how fast your body burns calories into energy. Getting lip fillers could help prevent or prolong the need for a surgical lip augmentation later in life due to the aging process.

How does a lip filler procedure work?

About 15-30 minutes before, your provider will put a numbing cream on your lips. Once your lips are numb, the provider will use a thin needle to inject the filler solution into various parts of your lips. The injection sites depend on your lip shape, size, and goals. The injection is not deep and, with the numbing cream, should not be a painful sensation; however, you will feel some pinching and slight discomfort. The procedure is about 30-45 minutes long.

What should I expect after the procedure?

Immediately After - Your provider will advise you to ice your lips when you get home. Don’t skip this! Get those nice full lips icing! This will help reduce swelling and bruising. For the first day, try icing your lips 5 minutes every hour.

24 Hours After - Here comes the swelling. Your lips will be swollen and potentially bruised. This is all apart of the process. This is also the part where people think they made a terrible decision. Don’t worry! It will go down in a couple days. Just stay home, continue to ice your lips, watch some movies, and drink plenty of water.

48 Hours After - Now you’ll notice some of the swelling going down. The worst is behind you! You’ll begin to feel more accustomed to talking and eating as well.

1 Week After - Most of the swelling and bruising should be gone by now. You’ll have a better idea of how your lips look with filler.

3-4 Weeks After - The lip filler should be completely settled in your lips now! This will be the final look. And let me say, you’re looking GORGEOUS!

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